Self Pickup & Delivery 自行领取和送货交付

You may collect the items On-site MPC@Khatib.
For purchases of $300 and above, you may choose to have the items delivered by our volunteers.


Please select请选择:-

  1. Self-Pickup 自行领取
  2. Delivery 送货交付


[For purchasers who selected the “Self-Pickup” Option]

Please collect at the site of the charity fair. 请在义卖会当天现场领取
MPC@Khatib (Opposite the Khatib MRT)


[For purchasers who selected the “Delivery” Option]

Kindly provide your address, date and timing for the delivery. 请提供您的地址及选择送货上门日期和时间。

[Block 组屋/大厦号]
[Street name 街名]
[Unit number 门牌号]
[Name of Building/Condo, if applicable 建筑物/公寓名称,若有]
[Postal code 邮区号码]
[Remarks 备注]